

And do you see me
And do you need me
Or will you bleed me
Of my mind

The game goes non stop
Life goes flip flop
Lisa's waiting
For a sign

The game goes non stop
Life goes flip flop
Wasted lives
And wasted time


And do you see me
Do you need me
Can you save a life
That's on the line

A gun goes pop pop
Lisa's life goes flip flop
Another light
That will never shine


And do you see me
Do you need me
Or will you bleed me
Of my mind

She puts on lipstick
Its her last trick
Looks in the mirror
One last time

The game goes non-stop
Her heart goes flip-flop
And it beats
Just one more time

Her lips say hip hop
She bleeds one last drop
Her life ends
Without a rhyme